Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Aneesh K A Education Inequality in India: An Empirical Analysis Using National Sample Survey Data Indian Journal of Human Development / 18 / 2 / 1 - 13 0973-7030

2 Aneesh K A Education Inequality in India: An Empirical Analysis Using National Sample Survey Data Indian Journal of Human Development / 18 / 2 / 267 - 279 0973-7030

3 Anjali P K The Advent ofArtificial Intelligence(AI) And Unemployment Circumstances inIndia European Economic Letters / 15 / 1 / 2819 - 2822 2323-5233

4 Deepak Johnson K Price and Non-Price Factors in Development of Rice Cultivation: Case Studies From Southern India and Mekong-Delta Vietnam Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies / 11 / 3 / - 2050-2680

5 Deepak Johnson K Green Revolution in India: Making Sense of the Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Change Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 52 / 58 - 68 0012-9976

6 Divya Pradeep The Gender and Social Equity Question in Low Carbon Transitions Economic and Political Weekly / 60 / 6 / 16 - 18 0012-9976

7 Divya Pradeep 'Opportunity-driven' Entrepreneurship among Women Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 50 / 4 - 6 0012-9976

8 Divya Pradeep An Autonomous Collective in the Malayalam Film Industry Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 43 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

9 Greeshma Manoj Post MFA Analysis of Indian Textile Exports Producctivity / 64 / 3 / 336 - 334 0032-9924

10 Joshy K J COVID-19, Macro-Economic Policies, Analysis of the Inflation-Un-Employment Dynamics in India Finance India / 38 / 2 / 339 - 356 0970-3772

11 Lakshay Sharma Empowerment of Women under Financial Inclusion Pacific Business Review (International) / / / - 0974-438X

12 Mahesh E Epidemiological Transition in India and Determinants that Are Shifting Disease Burden: A Systematic Review Universal Journal of Public Health / 12 / 4 / 781 - 791 2331-8945

13 Mahesh E Gendered Informality: An Assessment of Operational Attributes and Entrepreneurial Performance of Female-Owned Enterprises in Jharkhand International Journal of Rural Management / / / 1 - 20 0973-0680

14 Namrata Singha Roy Understanding Labor Market Dynamics in Urban India Amidst the Pandemic: A Study Employing Supervised Learning Methods Journal of Quantitative Economics / 22 / 3 / 1 - 27 0971-1554

15 Namrata Singha Roy Gendered Informality: An Assessment of Operational Attributes and Entrepreneurial Performance of Female-Owned Enterprises in Jharkhand International Journal of Rural Management / / / 1 - 20 0973-0680

16 Salineeta Chaudhuri Empowerment of Women under Financial Inclusion Pacific Business Review (International) / / / - 0974-438X

17 Sankar Varma K C Book review: Adam Michael Auerbach & Tariq Thachil, Migrants and Machine Politics: How India?s Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness Urbanisation / / / - 2455-7471

18 Swetha L COVID-19, Macro-Economic Policies, Analysis of the Inflation-Un-Employment Dynamics in India Finance India / 38 / 2 / 339 - 356 0970-3772

19 Amit Kumar. Deciphering the Nature and Dynamics of Gig-Platform Jobs: Workers Hidden Precarity Social Change / / / - 0049-0857

20 Anjali P K A Study on the Influence and Impact of Advertisement on Youth Population in Kerala Metszet / Volume 9 / Issue 3 / 85 - 97 2061-2710

21 Anjali P K Navigating The Artificial Intelligence(Ai) Revolution: The Paradigm Shift In Higher Education Educational Administration: Theory and Practice / Volume 30 / Issue No 5 / 12742 - 1274 2148-2403

22 Annesha Biswas Recent Trends in Female Labour Force Participation Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 18 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

23 Davis Augustine Rubber Politics in Kerala Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 10 / 4 - 6 0012-9976

24 Deepak Johnson K A Regulatory Price Mechanism for Crops Continues to be Desirable Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 15 / 15 - 20 0012-9976

25 Deepak Johnson K What is the Contribution of Government Support to Farm Incomes? A Case Study of Rice Cultivation from Kerala, India Review of Agrarian Studies / 13 / 1 / 42 - 60 2248-9002

26 Deepak Johnson K International Organisations and Agriculture: A Current Perspective Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 33 / 34 - 36 0012-9976

27 Divya Pradeep From resources to functionings: The Dynamics of Caste as Cultural and Social Capital Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

28 Faraz Ahmad Economic Effects of Global Crude Oil Prices on India: A Time Series Analysis International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research / / / - 2582-2160

29 Faraz Ahmad Examining The Role Of Gender In The Social Dynamics Of Migration Educational Administration: Theory and Practice / 30 / 4 / 1058 - 1065 2148-2403

30 Faraz Ahmad Assessment of the Factors Affecting Rural Households Savings: The Case of Wolaita Sodo Zuriya District, Wolaita Zone, Southern Region Ethiopia ComFin Research / 12 / 02 / - 2582-6190

31 Greeshma Manoj Pattern of Public Expenditure among the Selected Major Indian States Indian Journal of Applied Reserach / 14 / 3 / 67 - 68 2249-555X

32 Jitender Bhandari Evaluating the Role of Economic Factors in Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution / 21 / 2 / 23 - 32 0972-9860, 1875-8568

33 Jitender Bhandari Evaluating the Role of Economic Factors in Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution / / / 23 - 32 1875-8568

34 Khushboo Aggarwal Gender Inequity And Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis Towards Excellence / 15 / / 404 - 418 0974-035X

35 Khushboo Aggarwal Still Water Run Deep: Groundwater Contamination And Education Outcomes In India ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW / 100 / NA / 1 - 23 1873-7382

36 Lakshay Sharma Women Unpaid Worker in Bihar: Reflections from Time Use Survey, 2019 The Indian Economic Journal / 8 / 43 / 368 - 375 0019-4662

37 Lakshay Sharma Elevating Lives: The Transformative Power of Female Education on Living Standards in India's Multidimensional Poverty Landscape The Indian Economic Journal / 8 / 42 / 353 - 367 0019-4662

38 Lakshay Sharma Investing In Women, Investing In The Planet: Quantifying The Impact Of Women's Empowerment On Environmental Sustainability RGSA Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental / / / - 1981-982X

39 Lakshay Sharma Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Gender Discrimination in Education - A Panel Regression Analysis in India Pacific B usiness R eview I nternational / 16 / 11 / - 0974-438X

40 Mahesh E Recent Trends in Female Labour Force Participation Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 18 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

41 Monika Measuring the Economic Burden of Health Conditions among White-Collar Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study from Delhi-NCR Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / / / 317 - 326 0973-2284

42 Namrata Singha Roy Educational Deprivation of the Tribes Insights from the Block-level Study Economic and Political Weekly / LVIII / 35 / 52 - 58 0012-9976

43 Namrata Singha Roy Rubber Politics in Kerala Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 10 / 4 - 6 0012-9976

44 Namrata Singha Roy Gig Economy Worker's Livelihood: A Qualitative Study of Ride-Hailing Platforms in Bangalore City, India Artha Vijnana / LXV / 2 / 171 - 187 0971-586X

45 Parul Oberoi Evaluating the Role of Economic Factors in Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution / / / 23 - 32 1875-8568

46 Rajeshwari U R Impact of Gold Price and Oil Price on the Indian Stock Market : With Special Reference to the Bombay Stock Exchange Market Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets / / / - 2394-3459

47 Reeta Tomar Investigating the dynamic relationship of the Indian stock market with global crude oil and Bitcoin price movement International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance / 17 / 6 / 469 - 488 1752-0479

48 Salineeta Chaudhuri Elevating Lives: The Transformative Power of Female Education on Living Standards in India's Multidimensional Poverty Landscape The Indian Economic Journal / 8 / 42 / 353 - 367 0019-4662

49 Salineeta Chaudhuri Investing In Women, Investing In The Planet: Quantifying The Impact Of Women's Empowerment On Environmental Sustainability RGSA Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental / / / - 1981-982X

50 Salineeta Chaudhuri Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Gender Discrimination in Education - A Panel Regression Analysis in India Pacific B usiness R eview I nternational / 16 / 11 / - 0974-438X

51 Salineeta Chaudhuri Women Unpaid Worker in Bihar: Reflections from Time Use Survey, 2019 The Indian Economic Journal / 8 / 43 / 368 - 375 0019-4662

52 Sankar Varma K C Representation of Cancer in the Digital Space Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

53 Sankar Varma K C Remembering M Kunhaman (1949-2023) Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

54 Sankar Varma K C City of Shadows: Slums and Informal Work in Bangalore Urban Studies / / / - 0042-0980

55 Sankar Varma K C Book review: Macroeconomics: An Introduction Capital & Class / / / - 0309-8168

56 Sankar Varma K C Book Review: Selfing the City: Single Women Migrants and their Lives in Kolkata Capital & Class / / / - 0309-8168

57 Sankar Varma K C Book Review: Urban Undesirables: City transition and Street-Based sex work in Bangalore Capital & Class / / / - 0309-8168

58 Shivani Chaudhry Evaluation of forecasting accuracy of an equity valuation model: a case of ZEE International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation / 19 / 2 / 234 - 249 1740-8016

59 Subramanian S Woes of Poverty Estimation Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 4 / - 0012-9976

60 Varadurga Bhat Trap of Race to the Bottom? Evidence from Pollution Intensive Products Trade in India and China China Report / 59 / 2 / 154 - 171 0009-4455, 0973-063X

61 Varadurga Bhat Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Bilateral Trade Between India and China Journal of Current Chinese Affairs / / / 1 - 26 868-4874

62 Aneesh K A Impact of Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development: A Study of G-5 Economies IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 28 / 4 / 8 - 15 2279-0845

63 Aneesh K A Impact of Crude Oil Prices on Interest Rates, Money Supply and Share Prices in the QUAD Countries International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews / 4 / 5 / 1477 - 1485 2582-7421

64 Anjali P K Effects of Problematic Mobile Phone Use (PMPU) among college students in Kerala Specialusis Ugdymas / 2 / 43 / 549 - 557 1392-5369

65 Blessy Augustine Public debt - economic growth nexus in emerging and developing economies: Exploring nonlinearity FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS / 52 / March 2023 / 1 - 8 1544-6123

66 Faraz Ahmad Exploring The Connection Between Fast Fashion, Urbanization, And Sustainability In India: An Empirical Analysis Of Consumer Attitudes And Behaviours TIJER International Research Journal / / / - 2349-9249

67 Greeshma Manoj The economic impact of floods on the plantation sector: a study of selected districts in Kerala Disaster Advances / 16 / 3 / 13 - 22 2278-4543

68 Jitender Bhandari Nexus Between Current Account Balance, Price Stability, And Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Analysis IJFMR International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) / 5 / 2 March-April23 / - 2582-2160

69 Jitender Bhandari Effects Of Macroeconomic Trade Variables On Carbon Emissions ? An Empirical Study Of Brics Nations International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / / / - 2348-1269

70 Joshy K J Well-Being and Prosperity:Multidirectional Disciplinary Interactions with Religion Journal of Dharma / 47 / 3 / 265 - 284 0253-7222

71 Khushboo Aggarwal Effect of Arsenic on Health: Evidence from Indian Districts THE INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL / / / - 0019-4662

72 Lakshay Sharma Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and its interaction with Socio- Economic Empowerment of women in Indian scenario The Indian Economic Journal / 3 / 1 / 126 - 137 0019-4662

73 Lakshay Sharma Exploring the Gender Digital Divide: A Study to Measure Digital Literacy and Digital Access of Females Pacific B usiness R eview I nternational / 15 / 5 / - 0974-438X

74 Lavanya B T Volatility Clustering in Nifty Energy Index Using GARCH Model Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks / 131 / / 667 - 681 2367-4512

75 Mahesh E Switching intention and switching behavior of adults in the non-life insurance sector: Mediating role of brand love Insurance Markets and Companies / 14 / / 1 - 7 2522-9591

76 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Well-Being and Prosperity:Multidirectional Disciplinary Interactions with Religion Journal of Dharma / 47 / 3 / 265 - 284 0253-7222

77 Namrata Singha Roy Impact of Government Advertisements about Agricultural Information in Sensitising Rural Farmers: A Study of Marathwada Region in Maharashtra Journal of Rural Development / 41 / 4 / 492 - 509 0970-3357

78 Rajeshwari U R An Empirical Evaluation of the Relationship Between Economic Growth, Population and Solid Waste Generation in India Indian Journal of Environmental Protection / 42 / 10 / - 0253-7141

79 Rajib Sutradhar Food and communities in post-COVID-19 cities: Case of India Urban Governance / / / - 2664-3286

80 Reeta Tomar Is going online efficient? A comparative study of offline and online mode of working and learning during covid 19" International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability / 4 / 2 / 81 - 96 2056-4031, 2056-4023

81 Rittu Susan Varkey Zero Waste Package Free Shops in India: The Green Road Ahead Indian Journal of Environmental Protection / / 12 / - 0253?7141

82 Rittu Susan Varkey COVID 19 fatalities burden in Asian countries: An analysis of pattern and determinants Social Sciences & Humanities Open / / / - 2590-2911

83 Salineeta Chaudhuri Exploring the Gender Digital Divide: A Study to Measure Digital Literacy and Digital Access of Females Pacific B usiness R eview I nternational / 15 / 5 / - 0974-438X

84 Salineeta Chaudhuri A Study of Societal Progression on Women?s Economic Independence in India International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 5 / 2 / - 2582-2160

85 Salineeta Chaudhuri Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and its interaction with Socio- Economic Empowerment of women in Indian scenario The Indian Economic Journal / 3 / 1 / 126 - 137 0019-4662

86 Sankar Varma K C Food and communities in post-COVID-19 cities: Case of India Urban Governance / / / - 2667-3800

87 Sankar Varma K C A New-age Urban Imaginary Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

88 Sankar Varma K C A New Economics Awaits Us Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

89 Sankar Varma K C Mike Davis?the Storyteller (1946-2022) Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability / / / - 1754-9175

90 Sarwdaman Kashyap Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and its interaction with Socio- Economic Empowerment of women in Indian scenario The Indian Economic Journal / 3 / 1 / 126 - 137 0019-4662

91 Satyanarayana Turangi Social Protection through MGNREGS: A Study Of Rayalaseema Region in Andhra Pradesh Journal of Rural Development / 41 / 1 / 102 - 119 0970-3357

92 Shivani Chaudhry Evaluation Of Forecasting Accuracy Of An Equity Valuation Model: A Case Of ZEE International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation / / / - 1740-8016, 1740-8008

93 Shivani Chaudhry Impact of Government reforms on Indian MSMEs during COVID 19: An analytical study Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences / 43 / 6 / 1167 - 1178 0252-2667, 2169-0103

94 Susanto Kumar Beero Analysis of Economic Factors Affecting Household Private Final Consumption Expenditure in India International Journal of Science and Research / 12 / 5 / 44 - 49 2319-7064

95 Susanto Kumar Beero Is the Electronic Market the Way Forward to Overcome Market Failures in Agriculture? Economic and Political Weekly / 57 / 41 / 52 - 60 0012-9976

96 Varadurga Bhat Trade in Pollution-intensive Products: Evidence from India Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective / / / 1 - 16 0972-2629, 2249-5304

97 Varadurga Bhat Protection of intellectual property and human rights during health emergencies: an assessment of the patent waiver proposal International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare / / / - 2056-4902

98 Amritkant Mishra Economic Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability: Role of Infrastructure Development Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (16): 178-183 / 48 / 48 / 178 - 183 0304-5250

99 Deepa Palathingal The Impact of FDI on Domestic Investment in India:A Sector-wise Analysis of Crowd-in and Crowd-out Effect Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 9 / / - 2349-5162

100 Divya Pradeep Has India's Employment Guarantee Program Achieved Intended Targets? SAGE Open Journal / 11 / 4 / 1 - 19 2158-2440

101 Greeshma Manoj Goods and Services Tax (GST) and its Effect on Textile Traders in Kerala: A Study of Kochi City Vision: Journal of Indian Taxation / 8 / 1 / - 2395-2571

102 Jaweriah Hazrana Effectiveness of Farmers? Risk Management Strategies in Smallholder Agriculture: Evidence from India Climatic Change / 169 / 3-4 / 1 - 35 0165-0009

103 Jaweriah Hazrana Crop choices in Indian agriculture: Role of market access and price policy Economics Bulletin / 41 / 4 / 2249 - 2256 1545-2921

104 Jitender Bhandari Pandemic Led Migration: An Analysis of Livlihood Concerns and Policy Measures Gurugram University Business Review / / / - 2582-9718

105 Joshy K J Analysis of Food Consumption Expenditure Patterns for Developing Sustainable Business Practices Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 16 / 23 - 28 0304-5250

106 Joshy K J India-European Union Trade Integration: An Analysis of Current and Future Trajectories Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research / 15 / 4 / 484 - 504 0973-8010

107 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Analysis of determinants of Voter Turnout in Indian States for election years 1991 - 2019 Journal of Social and Economic Development / / / - 0972-5792, 2199-6873

108 Namrata Singha Roy Has India's Employment Guarantee Program Achieved Intended Targets? SAGE Open Journal / 11 / 4 / 1 - 19 2158-2440

109 Rajeshwari U R Climate-Smart Livelihood - A Case Study of Dodaballapura Taluk of Bangalore Rural District Indian Journal of Environmental Protection / 42 / 8 / - 0253-7141

110 Rajeshwari U R Military Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence from India and Pakistan Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 13 / 1 / 12 - 16 0975-6795

111 Rajib Sutradhar FPTC Act, 2020 A Blinkered vision Economic and Political Weekly / LVI / 31 / 19 - 22 2349-8846

112 Ravikiran Appaso Naik Gender Differentials in Entrepreneurship: Insights from a Multi-method Study The Journal of Entrepreneurship / 31 / 1 / 30 - 64 0973-0745

113 Reeta Tomar Economic Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability: Role of Infrastructure Development Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (16): 178-183 / 48 / 48 / 178 - 183 0304-5250

114 Salineeta Chaudhuri CSR as an Agent of Financial Stability: A Use Case of Banking Industry Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 16 / 46 - 50 0304-5250

115 Shivani Chaudhry Financial Inclusion of Rural Sector: Imperative for Sustainable Economic Growth of India Indian Journal Of Ecology / 48 / SPECIAL ISSUE / - 0304-5250

116 Shivani Chaudhry Financial Inclusion of Rural Sector: Imperative for Sustainable Economic Growth of India Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / Special Issue (16) / 51 - 55 0304-5250

117 Shivani Chaudhry Financing for Sustainable Development Goals in India in Post Pandemic Era: Challenges and Way Forward ECS TRANSACTIONS / 107 / 1 / 16557 - 1938-5862

118 Shivani Chaudhry Financing for Sustainable Development Goals in India in Post Pandemic Era: Challenges and Way Forward ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 16557 - 16571 1938-5862

119 Subramanian S Analysis Of Perception, Attitude And Behaviors Toward Purchase Of Electric Vehicle In Delhi Ncr-India Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal / 12 / 2 / 192 - 201 2319-4979

120 Swetha L India-European Union Trade Integration: An Analysis of Current and Future Trajectories Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research / 15 / 4 / 484 - 504 0973-8010

121 Vijay Victor Procedural Justice, Perceived Organisational Support, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in Business School Organizacija / / / - 1318-5454

122 Vijay Victor Impact of Improved Corporate Governance and Regulations on Earnings Management Practices?Analysis of 7 Industries from the Indian National Stock Exchange Journal of risk and Financial Management / 14 / 10 / 1 - 15 1911-8074

123 Vijay Victor Fitness Trainers' Physical Attractiveness and Gym Goers' Exercise Intention International Journal of Business and Society / 23 / 1 / 496 - 517 1511-6670

124 Vijay Victor India-European Union Trade Integration: An Analysis of Current and Future Trajectories Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research / 15 / 4 / 484 - 504 0973-8010

125 Vijay Victor Gym Goer's Identification to Physically Attractive Fitness Trainer and their Intention to Exercise Behavioral Sciences / / / - 2076-328X

126 Amritkant Mishra Quest of Nexus between Inflation and Economic Development: Evidence from Asian Countries International Journal of Happiness and Development / 6 / 2 / 95 - 112 2049-2804

127 Amritkant Mishra Tracking the Transmission Channels of Fiscal Deficit and Food Inflation Linkages: A Structural VAR Approach Indian Journal of Economics and Development / 16 / 2322-0430 / 165 - 172 2322-0430

128 Aneesh K A Disinvestment of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and Fiscal Deficit Tackling in India Asian Review of Social Sciences (ARSS) / 9 / 2 / 49 - 55 2249 ? 6319

129 Aneesh K A A Review on the Macro Economic Linkages and Implications of The Black Economy in India Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) / 9 / 9 / 25 - 39 2278-4853

130 Deepak Johnson K Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Villages Review of Agrarian Studies / 10 / 1 / 181 - 203 2248-9002

131 Faraz Ahmad A comparative stochastic frontier analysis for technical efficiency of irrigation in Haryana International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / / / - 0973-1903

132 Faraz Ahmad Stochastic frontier analysis for measuring technical efficiency of neem coated urea: Evidence from North India International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / / / - 0973-1903

133 Faraz Ahmad Covid-19: Social media impact on agricultural prices and consumer's buying behavior International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / / / - 0973-1903

134 Greeshma Manoj Cobb Douglas Production Function Analysis of Total Factor Productivity in Indian Textile Industry in the Post Multi-fiber Agreement (MFA) Period Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management / 11 / 3 / 1 - 11 1533-0915

135 Greeshma Manoj Transgenders in the Mainstream: Welfare Schemes in Kerala?Kochi Metro Rail Project, Education Programme, Health Clinics, and Old-Age Pension Indian Journal of Gender Studies / / / - 0971-5215, 0973-0672

136 Greeshma Manoj GST and its Impact on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises- A Study of Peenya Industrial Area in Bangalore, Karnataka Studies in Business and Economics / 16 / 1 / 81 - 94 2344-5416

137 Joshy K J Analysis of India's trade patterns and trade possibilities with the European Union Forum Scientiae Oeconomia / 8 / 4 / 5 - 25 2300-5947

138 Joshy K J From a Recession to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Inflation-Unemployment Comparison between the UK and India Economies / 9 / 73 / 1 - 9 2227-7099

139 Joshy K J Mechanization and Modernization of Indian Agriculture: A Study with Reference to Rice Production in India Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences / 12 / 3 / 848 - 853 0976-1675

140 Justin Joy Health infrastructure, Health outcome and Economic Growth: Evidence from Indian Major States Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 11 / 2002 - 2010 2394-5125

141 Justin Joy Socioeconomic determinants of COVID‐19 in Asian countries: An empirical analysis Journal of Public Affairs / / 2532 / 1 - 10 1479-1854

142 Mahesh E Should We Judge PHCs by Only IPHS Guidelines or Probe Further? Indian Journal of Community Health / 32 / 02 / 465 - 467 0971-7587

143 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Does Public Spending on Elementary Education Actually Improves Learning Outcome in India? Elementary Education Online / 20 / 2 / 237 - 250 1305-3515

144 Namrata Singha Roy Time Allocation between Paid and Unpaid Work among Men and Women: An Empirical Study of Indian Villages Sustainability / 13 / 5 / - 2071-1050

145 Rajeshwari U R Does Public Spending on Elementary Education Actually Improves Learning Outcome in India? Elementary Education Online / 20 / 2 / 237 - 250 1305-3515

146 Rajib Sutradhar Supermarket procurement and farmgate prices in India World Development / 134 / NA / 1 - 14 0305-750X

147 Rajib Sutradhar Handloom weavers and lockdown in Sualkuchi Cluster of Assam Economic & Political Weekly / 55 / 39 / 23 - 25 0012-9976

148 Rittu Susan Varkey Agricultural Credit and Agricultural Productivity across Indian States: An Analysis Journal of Public Affairs / / / - 1472-3891

149 Rittu Susan Varkey Health infrastructure, Health outcome and Economic Growth: Evidence from Indian Major States Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 11 / 2002 - 2010 2394-5125

150 Rittu Susan Varkey Socioeconomic determinants of COVID‐19 in Asian countries: An empirical analysis Journal of Public Affairs / / 2532 / 1 - 10 1479-1854

151 Rittu Susan Varkey Socioeconomic determinants of COVID-19 in Asian countries: An empirical analysis Journal of Public Affairs / 21 / 4 / n/a - n/a 1479-1854

152 Sankar Varma K C A Space for the Space Theorist - Remembering Henri Lefebvre Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 0012-9976

153 Shalini Sharma Impact of e-commerce on India?s exports and investment International Journal of Economics and Business Research / 21 / 2 / 206 - 222 1756-9869, 1756-9850

154 Shalini Sharma Impact of National Income and Public Expenditure on Employment and Its Public- Private Sector Composition in Indian Economy International journal of Agricultural and statistical sciences / 17 / 1 / - 0973-1903

155 Shweta Bahl Education-occupation mismatch and dispersion in returns to education: Evidence from India Social Indicators Research / / / - 1573-0921

156 Sonia Mukherjee Economic globalization in the 21st century: A case study of India RSEP / 6 / / 23 - 33 2547-9385

157 Subramanian S Globalisation at Peril Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 24 / - 0012-9976

158 Sulakshana Rao C Crop and soil suitability analysis using multi-criteria decision making in drought-prone semi-arid tropics in India Journal of Soils and Water Conservation / 19 / 3 / 271 - 283 0022-4561

159 Sulakshana Rao C Segregating direct and indirect dimensions in ecosystem services valuation: The case of a coastal wetland ecosystem of South India Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 1 / 177 - 183 0304-5250

160 Vijay Victor An Introduction to Positive Organisational Scholarship in South Asia Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen / 16 / 2 / - 2442-9155

161 Vijay Victor Sectoral Correlations and Interlinkages: NSE SCMS Journal of Indian Management / 17 / 3 / 94 - 102 0973-3167

162 Vijay Victor Millennials' intention to wear face masks in public during Covid-19 pandemic Vadyba Journal of Management / 36 / 2 / 44 - 48 1648-7974

163 Vijay Victor Investigating the Dynamic Interlinkages between Exchange Rates and the NSE NIFTY Index Journal of Risk and Financial Management / 14 / 1 / 1 - 12 1911-8074

164 Vijay Victor Food Innovation Adoption and Organic Food Consumerism?A Cross National Study between Malaysia and Hungary Foods / 10 / 2 / 1 - 21 2304-8158

165 Vijay Victor Consumer Response towards Personalised Pricing Strategies in Online Marketing International Journal of Technology Marketing / / / - 1741-8798

166 Vijay Victor Analysis of India's trade patterns and trade possibilities with the European Union Forum Scientiae Oeconomia / 8 / 4 / 5 - 25 2300-5947

167 Vijay Victor From a Recession to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Inflation-Unemployment Comparison between the UK and India Economies / 9 / 73 / 1 - 9 2227-7099

168 Adaina K C Well-being of Northeastern Migrant Workers in Bangalore Indian Journal of Human Development / 14 / 1 / 99 - 114 0973-7030

169 Amritkant Mishra Foreign Exchange, Gold, and Real Estate Markets in India: An Analysis of Return Volatility and Transmission Indian Journal of Finance / 13 / 7 / 50 - 64 0973 - 8711

170 Amritkant Mishra How Does Economic Growth React to fiscal deficit and inflation ? An ARDL Analysis of china and India Fiscal Deficit and Inflation? An ARDL Analysis of China and India Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research / 8 / 4 / 7 - 20 2278 -1811

171 Anushree S Panikkassery Impact of Out of Pocket Health Expenditure on Consumption Pattern of Below Poverty Line Households in India Millennial Asia / 11 / 1 / 27 - 53 0976-3996

172 Deepa Palathingal Gender-based Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Organic Vegetable Farmers of North Kerala Indian Journal of Economics and Development / 16 / 19119 / 131 - 136 2277-5412

173 Divya Pradeep Well-being of Northeastern Migrant Workers in Bangalore Indian Journal of Human Development / 14 / 1 / 99 - 114 0973-7030

174 Greeshma Manoj Debt Waiver Scheme and Farmers Suicide in Karnataka International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 (9) / 172 - 177 2394-7780

175 Greeshma Manoj Skill Development Programme and Tribal Youth of Kerala Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas / 33 / 395 / 42 - 46 0970-7247

176 Justin Joy An empirical analysis of sustainability of public debt among BRICS nations Journal of Public Affairs / ahead-of-print / ahead-of-print / 1 - 14 1479-1854

177 Kedar Vishnu Shankarrao Structure and Strategies of retailing in Karnataka; gain for whom? ISEC Working Paper? / ? / ? / 1 - 26 978-81-7791-294-4 ?

178 Kedar Vishnu Shankarrao How the Modern Food Retail Chains Emerging as Alternative Marketing? Evidence from Karnataka ISEC Working Paper? / ? / ? / 01 - 20 978-81-942744-1-4 ?

179 Kedar Vishnu Shankarrao Dynamics of procurement of modern food retail chains: evidences from Karnataka ISEC Working Paper / ? / ? / - ?

180 Laxmi Rajkumari Relation between electricity consumption and economic growth in Karnataka, India: An aggregate and sector-wise analysis The Electricity Journal / 33 / 5 / - 1040-6190

181 Mahesh E Microfinance and Self-Help Groups ? A Case Study of Assam International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 (12) / 183 - 192 2394-7780

182 Mahesh E Impact of Major Stock Indices on the Crypto Currency Index International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research / 6 / 2 (19) / 105 - 111 2394-7780

183 Mahesh E Are Muslims Incurring Higher Out-of-Pocket Expenditures than Hindus in Reproductive Healthcare at Sub-District Levels in Karnataka? Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development / 10 / 8 / 283 - 289 0976-0245

184 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Covid-19 Some Reflections Social Science Gazetteer / 15 / 1&2 / 49 - 70 0975-7511

185 Namrata Singha Roy Emerging Challenges of Rural Labor Market: Insights from Indian Villages Arthaniti-Journal of Economic Theory and Practice / 18 / 1 / 86 - 103 0976-7479

186 Namrata Singha Roy Wage Rate: Is this Return to Education or Return to Physical Capability? Evidence from Rural India Indian Journal of Labour Economics / 63 / 1 / 99 - 177 0971-7927

187 Rajeshwari U R Nexus Between The Carbon Dioxide Emission and Economic Growth: Evidence from India Indian Journal of Environmental Protection / 40 / 4 / 434 - 440 0253-7141

188 Rajib Sutradhar Supermarkets and Rural Inequality in India: A Case Study of Reliance Fresh International Journal of Rural Management / 16 / 1 / 1 - 24 0973-0052

189 Renjith P S Dynamics of public debt sustainability in major Indian states Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy / / / 1 - 18 1469-9648

190 Rittu Susan Varkey Factors Determining Agricultural Output in Indian States: An Analysis International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research / 17 / 1 / 197 - 204 0972-7302

191 Rittu Susan Varkey Inter-state Growth Spillovers in Indian Major States: An Empirical Analysis Jindal Journal of Business Research / 9 / 1 / 7 - 17 2278-6821, 2321-0311

192 Salineeta Chaudhuri Income Diversification and its impact on profitability on Bank International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(TM) Exploring Innovation | ISSN:2277-3878 / 8 / 4 / 11575 - 11585 2277-3878

193 Sulakshana Rao C The conservation of Kuttanad wetlands: stakeholder preferences of management alternatives Agricultural Economics Research Review / 32 / 2 / 199 - 208 0971-3441

194 Sulakshana Rao C Estimating Water Balance and Identifying Crops for Sustainable Use of Water Resources in the Bundelkhand Region of India Transactions of the ASABE / 63 / 1 / 117 - 124 2151-0032

195 Adaina K C Situating Women's Unpaid Work in a Development Context Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 08 / Issue 5 / 108 - 122 2278-4853

196 Adaina K C Influence of Cause-related Marketing on Purchase Intent International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research / 6 / 02 / 120 - 127 2394-7780

197 Adaina K C Situating Womens Unpaid Work in a Development Context Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 08 / 5 / 108 - 122 2278-4853

198 Aiswarya Thomas Unconventional monetary policy spillovers: vidence from India Journal of Public Affairs / / / - 1479-1854

199 Aneesh K A Fiscal Deficit of the Public Sector in India: Issues on Data Reliability, Accounting Flaws and Missing Variables Asian Review of Social Sciences (ARSS) / 8 / S1 / 13 - 19 2249 ? 6319

200 Aneesh K A Human Capital And Endogenous Growth In India: Where Does India Fail To Capitalise Its Human Power? Social Science Researcher / 5 / 1 / 1 - 26 2319-8362

201 Deepa Palathingal An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing the Production of Organic Vegetable Farming in Kerala Economic Affairs / / / - 0424-2513

202 Deepak Johnson K Cropping Pattern Changes in Kerala, 1956-57 to 2016-17 Review of Agrarian Studies / 8 / 1 / 65 - 99 2248-9002

203 Divya Pradeep Job Search Methods in the Software Industry in Bangalore: Does Social Capital Matter? The Indian Journal of Labour Economics / - / - / 1 - 19 0971-7927, 0019-5308

204 Divya Pradeep Situating Womens Unpaid Work in a Development Context Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 08 / 5 / 108 - 122 2278-4853

205 Divya Pradeep Situating Women's Unpaid Work in a Development Context Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 08 / Issue 5 / 108 - 122 2278-4853

206 Greeshma Manoj Panel Data Analysis of Indian Textile Exports in the Post Quota Period Trade and Development Review / 11 / 1-2 / 1 - 27 0974-4347

207 Greeshma Manoj Juvenile Delinquency: An Interplay of Incentives Journal of Academic Research in Economics / 10 / 3 / 412 - 428 2066-0855

208 Greeshma Manoj Productivity of Indian Textile Industry in the Post Multi FibreAgreement (MFA) Regime Asian Review of Social Sciences / 8 / 1 / 123 - 131 2249-6319

209 Joshy K J Determinants of charitable giving of employees in the organised sector: A case study in Bengaluru urban district. International Journal of Management and Applied Science / 4 / 7 / 6 - 11 2394-7926

210 Mahesh E Big Data Analytics: A Trading Strategy of NSE Stocks Using Bollinger Bands Analysis Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing / 839 / / 143 - 154 2194-5357

211 Rajeshwari U R A Study on the Nature of Foreign Trade of Indian Natural Rubber Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 9 / 2 / - 2321-5828, 0975-6795

212 Rajeshwari U R Revisiting the Short-run and Long-run Relationship between Money Supply, Price Level and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from India Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 9 / 3 / 580 - 584 0975-6795, 2321-5828

213 Rajib Sutradhar Wither the Pin Factory? Modern Food Supply Chains and Specialization in India Agricultural Economics / 50 / 4 / 395 - 405 1574-0862

214 Rittu Susan Varkey Inter-sectoral Growth Linkages and Their Implications for Agriculture: Evidence from Indian States Millennial Asia / 9 / 3 / 262 - 277 2321-7081

215 Shivani Chaudhry The MII saga: An account of effectiveness of MII initiative in terms of FDI International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews (Ijrar) / 6 / 1 / 1390 - 1394 2348-1269, 2349-5138

216 Varadurga Bhat Congestion Pricing: A Stated Preference Study in Bengaluru Advances in Economics and Business Management / 6 / 1 / 63 - 67 2394-1545

217 Greeshma Manoj Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors on Charitable Giving: A Study of Bangalore Urban District International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Science / 7 / 12 / 1167 - 1183 2249-7382

218 Greeshma Manoj E Commerce and its Impact on Consumer Behavriour KAAV International Journal of Economics,Commerce & Business Management / 5 / 1 / 239 - 250 2348-4969

219 Greeshma Manoj Bilateral Trade Analysis of India with BRIC Nations KAAv International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Business Management / 5 / 1 / 397 - 416 2348-4969

220 Joshy K J Private savings and its influence on economic growth in India in the post reform period Artha: Journal of Social Sciences / 16 / 4 / 79 - 95 0975-329X

221 Joshy K J Evaluation of performance of public offerings: A case study of retail sector of Indian economy KAAV International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Business Management / 5 / 1 / 459 - 468 2348-4969

222 Mahesh E Gender Budgeting Approach in India: An Overview Global Academic Research Journal / V / VI / 1 - 6 2347-3592

223 Mahesh E An Application of System of Education Accounts to Measure and Evaluate Secondary Educational Expenditures in Karnataka: An Analysis of district level data The Journal of Income and Wealth / 39 / 1 / 1 - 15 0974-0309

224 Namrata Singha Roy Fertility Induced Labor Market Bias in Female Labor Supply: A Cross Country Analysis Indian Journal of Human Development / 9 / 1 / 43 - 55 0973-7030

225 Navin Kumar Jha Effect of Demonetization on Keynesian?s demand for money and Real (Product) Market Changes in Chennai City IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science / 22 / 11 / 65 - 73 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845

226 Navin Kumar Jha Socio-Economic Status of Tibetan Refugees in Bylakuppe Settlement International Journal of Creative Research Thought / 6 / 1 / 1375 - 1378 2320-2882

227 Rajeshwari U R Analysis Of Karnataka Budget From Gender Perspective International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) / 7 / 7 / 11 - 20 2249-7382

228 Rajeshwari U R The Cost of Being a Welfare State: A Study of the State of Tamil Nadu Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) / 7 / 3 / 136 - 147 2278-4853

229 Rajeshwari U R EVALUATION OF MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME ?A CASE STUDY OF LINGASAGUR TALUK OF RAICHUR DISTRICT Kaav International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Business Management / 5 / 1 / 445 - 458 2348-4969

230 Shivani Chaudhry Bitcoin: Changes & challenges in modern world ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Finance & Risk Management / 8 / 3 / 27 - 42 0976-7185, 2349-2325

231 Shivani Chaudhry Unified payments interface in India: a revolution in the field of e-commerce ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND RETAIL MANAGEMENT / 9 / 2 / 36 - 42 2349-2317, 0976-7193

232 Adaina K C Social Implications of Economic Inequality Jeevadhara / XLVI / 276 / - 0970-1125

233 Joshy K J Identifying the Key Determinants of Economic Growth in the Post Reform Period in India FORUM: South Asian Perspectives on Management & Social Sciences / 2 / 1 / 20 - 32 2395-4949

234 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Re-Evaluating Asoka - A Relational Contract Theory Explanation for Economic Transformation Journal of Dharma / 42 / 2 / 179 - 200 0253-7222

235 Namrata Singha Roy Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Agricultural Wages, Farm Productivity and Net Returns: An Economic Analysis Across SAT Villages Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics / 72 / 2 / - 0019-5014

236 Navin Kumar Jha An Analysis of Impact of Health Capital Investment on Education on Demographic Characteristics of Human Resources: A study Chennai District, Tamil Nadu International Journal of Humanities and Social ScienceIinvention / VI / I / 58 - 66 2319-7722

237 Rajeshwari U R Modelling the Impact of Health on Economic Growth: Revisiting The Concept of the Preston Curve Indian Journal of applied research / 6 / 10 / - 2249-555X

238 Adaina K C Rethinking Rationality in the Context of Environmental Policy Indian Economic Journal / 60 / 1 / 23 - 38 0019-4662

239 Adaina K C Revisiting Environmental Valuation: A Multi-dimensional Approach. International Journal of Development Studies / 4 / 1 / 191 - 202 0975-5799

240 Adaina K C Questioning the rational economic man: Empirical insights on other-regarding nature of Zeliangrong Indigenous community of North East India Anusilana / LXIII / 11 / 104 - 108 0973-8762

241 Greeshma Manoj Impact Of Multi Fibre Agreement (Mfa) Phase-Out On Indian Textile Exports Pacific Business Review International / 8 / 8 / - 0974-438X

242 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Corporate Social Responsibility - An Evolutionary Outline from an Economic Perspective NITTE Management Review / 9 / 2 / 54 - 69 2231-6043, 2395-1907

243 Rajeshwari U R Evaluation of National Rural Health Mission in Bangalore Rural District Indian Journal of Applied Research / 5 / 6 / - 2249-555X

244 Rajeshwari U R Value Added Tax And Its Impact On Revenue Generation In India Scholedge International Journal of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies / 2 / 8 / 43 - 50 2394-336X

245 Rajeshwari U R Trends in Social Sector Expenditure in Karnataka Carmelight, The Multi Disciplinary National Journal / 10 / 1 / - 0975-9484

246 Shivani Chaudhry Attribute Based Perceptual Mapping Of Mutual Fund Schemes: A Study From Emerging Market International Journal of Economics and Business Research / 10 / 1 / 81 - 103 1756-9869, 1756-9850

247 Greeshma Manoj Export Performance of Indian Textile industry in the context of MFA Regime Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 13 / 4 / 59 - 84 0975-329X

248 Joshy K J An Empirical Analysis of Price Discovery in Spot and Futures Market of Gold in India Pacific Business Review International / 7 / 10 / 80 - 88 0974-438X

249 Rajeshwari U R Inter-District Disparities In Health Facilities In Karnataka International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences / 5 / 1 / 2 - 14 2249-7382

250 Rajeshwari U R Inter-District Disparities In Health Facilities In Karnataka International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences / 5 / 1 / 14 - 18 2249-7382

251 Shivani Chaudhry Performance Evaluation Of Top Performing Mutual Fund Managers: An Analytical Study From India International Journal of Research in Commerce Economics and Management / 4 (2014) / 9 / 71 - 76 2231-4245

252 Shivani Chaudhry Attribute based Preference & Predictability of Mutual Funds for Investment by Investment Professionals: A Study from Emerging Market? European Journal of Innovative Business Management / 1 / / 17 - 26 2056-9904

253 Divya Pradeep Gender Differences in Social Capital and Job Search Methods in the Information Technology Industry in Bangalore The Indian Journal of Labour Economics / 55 / 3 / 501 - 517 0971-7927

254 Divya Pradeep Social Capital- A Conceptual Review ACRM Journal of Business and Management Research / 5 / 2 / - 0973-3523

255 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Micro finance and Women Empowerment Acharaya Journal of Management and Research / 3 / 2 / -

256 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Corporate Social Responsibility - Myth and Reality Journal of Dharma - Journal of Religion and Philosophies / 38 / 2 / 167 - 180 0253-7222

257 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren The State as Predator Integral Liberation / 15 / 2 / 108 - 114

258 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren The State as Predator Integral Liberation, BSA Trust Publication / 15 / 2 / -

259 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren A Note on the Epistemology of Economic Rationality Acharaya Journal of Management and Research / 5 / 1 / -

260 Marie Joseph Gerard Rassendren Globalization and Labor: Caste as Strategy Integral Liberation / 12 / 2 / -

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 ANJALI P K,NADIA MANSOUR, LORENZO M. BUJOSA VADELL Reference book Green Finance and Energy Transition: Innovation, Legal Frameworks and Regulation Green Technology and Sustainable Development: The Prerequisite of World 978-3-031-75960-4 2025
2 ARAVINDH P,SATHEESAN KARATHAZHIYATH,SUDEV PUTHIYEDATH SUKUMARAN,ARYA CHOLLANPLACKAL MADANARAJAN,DEBASHIS CHATTERJEE, DEEPA SETHI, SHUBHASIS DEY Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 5th International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought Impact of Climate Change on Asset Loss and Livelihood Disruption in Kerala's Traditional Fisheries Sector 978-93-340-9208-0 2024
3 RAJESHWARI U R,HANAGODIMATH SV,SARASWATHI BAMMANAL ,DR FERZANA B PATHAN,DR S V HANAGODIMATH,DR J C INDIMATH Conference Proceedings Industrial Progress in India: Understanding the Challenges and Leveraging the Opportunities GROWTH AND REGIONAL IMBALANCES IN INDUSTRIAL SECTOR IN KARNATAKA 978-81-983236-0-6 2024
4 REETA TOMAR,ANEESH K A Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings 978-93-341-3762-0 2024
5 ANEESH K A ,KUSUM LATA,JUDITH ANNE LAL,REETA TOMAR Conference Proceedings First International Conference on Advancing Economics: Addressing Contemporary Challenges for a Sustainable Future (ICAE 2024) Access to Potable Water: Socio-Economic Influences, Infrastructural Challenges, and Governance Gaps in Potable Water Management ISBN: 978-93-341-3762-0 2024
6 ANJALI P K,RAJKUMAR R,SATHIYARAJ CHINNASAMY,SHEETAL V HUKKERI Text book Principles of Banking and Financial System Principles of Banking and Financial System 978-81-978468-2-3 2024
7 REETA TOMAR,SONIA MUKHERJEE,ALEX KHANG,IPSEETA SATPATHY, BABASAHEB JADHAV,VUGAR ABDULLAYEV HAJIMAHMUD Reference book The Synergy of AI and Fintech in the Digital Gig Economy Underlying opportunities and challenges of Digitization in Gig Economy 2024
8 SALINEETA CHAUDHURI (30123) Text book Economics of Growth and Development Economics of Growth and Development 978-93-89767-80-3 2024
9 SALINEETA CHAUDHURI (30123) Reference book Economics of Growth and Development Economics of Growth and Development 978-93-89767-80-3 2024
10 NAMRATA SINGHA ROY,DAVIS AUGUSTINE,BAHAA AWWAD Conference Proceedings Anticipating Future Business Trends: Navigating Artificial Intelligence Innovations. Quantifying the Impact: Assessing FPO Penetration in Indian Agriculture Through the Lens of the 2019 Situation Assessment Survey 978-3-031-54383-8 2024
11 ANEESH K A Conference Proceedings II Annual UG & PG National Conference on Women in Economy Analysis of Women Participation in Indian Stock Market 2024
12 ANEESH K A Conference Proceedings II Annual UG&PG National Conference on Women in Economy 2024
13 ANEESH K A Conference Proceedings II Annual UG & PG National Conference on Women in Economy Competitive Dynamics in Telecom - Examining Jio's Entry and Policy Initiatives 2024
14 ANEESH K A Conference Proceedings II Annual UG&PG National Conference on Women in Economy Uttar Pradesh Exodus: Unraveling the Driving Forces Behind Internal Migration 2024
15 NAMRATA SINGHA ROY,DAVIS AUGUSTINE,BAHAA AWWAD Conference Proceedings The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research Insights into the performance of farmer producer companies: An exploratory analysis in kerala, india 978-3-031-54383-8 2024
16 NAMRATA SINGHA ROY,DAVIS AUGUSTINE,BAHAA AWWAD Text book The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research Insights into the performance of farmer producer companies: An exploratory analysis in kerala, india 978-3-031-54383-8 2024
17 LAKSHAY SHARMA,SALINEETA CHAUDHURI Reference book Principles of Microeconomics 978-81-19948-50-5 2024
18 JOSHY K J Reference book Sanitation Woes Markets for Sanitation Services: An Analysis Of India In The Global Scenario 9789355069474 2024
19 JOSHY K J (496) Reference book Onnara Casual Leavum Retirementum 9789390165629 2024
20 LAKSHAY SHARMA,SALINEETA CHAUDHURI,NELU BURCEA, LUCILE SABAS, THIERRY VALLE Conference Proceedings Shaping a World of Freedoms: 75 Years of Legacy and Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. How Will Human Rights Shape the Future? Exploring the Economic Consequences of Child Labor in Informal Economies in India 979-8-9894202-1-6 2023
21 SUBRAMANIAN S Reference book Agriculture and Rural Development: Contemporary Issues and Prospects The Trends and Patterns of Employment in Rural Unincorporated Non-Agriculture Enterprises 978-81-956143-2-5 2023
22 SUBRAMANIAN S Reference book Agriculture and Rural Development: Contemporary Issues and Prospects Emerging Middle Class and Rurality: A Critical Evaluation 978-81-956143-2-5 2023
23 SALINEETA CHAUDHURI (30123) Text book Welfare Economics Microeconomics - II 2023
24 MAHESH E,TINCY THANKACHAN,UMA S. SINGH & SANJAY SINGH BAGHEL Conference Proceedings Advance Research in Technology, Management, Social Science, Sustainable Development & Humanities A Study on Public Perception and Preferences Towards Urban Street Trees in Bengaluru, Karnataka 978-93-93646-03-3 2023
25 SHIVANI CHAUDHRY,SHALINI MITTAL,SHAILENDRA SINGH BHADOURIA,PALLAVI TYAGI Reference book Smart Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Performance Management in a Global Digitalised Economy: Volume 110B Green Banking ? The Path Leading to Sustainable Economic Growth 978-1-83753-417-3 2023
26 MAHESH E,WWW.WORLDCTE.ORG Conference Proceedings Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study on School Teachers in Bengaluru, Karnataka (India) 978-609-485-361-6 2022
27 ANJALI P K Text book Futuristic Trends in Information Technology Role of Mobile Phone for Learning Among the College Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic 978-93-95632-72-0 2022
28 JOSHY K J,MARIE JOSEPH GERARD RASSENDREN,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,KORRAPATI ANUHYA ,JOSSY Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT) Rebuilding the Capabilities for Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Issues and Challenges of Bangalore Model of Development 978-1-6654-5361-5 2022
29 JITENDER BHANDARI,SUSANTO KUMAR BEERO,SARWDAMAN KASHYAP,DR N. GAYATHRI DEVI Reference book A Multidisciplinary Approach on Future Prospects of Sustainable Development (Vol 2) Education in India and SDGs: Role of Public Provision 9789391131531 2022
30 SUSANTO KUMAR BEERO,N GAYATHRI DEVI,JITENDER BHANDARI,SARWDAMAN KASHYAP Reference book A Multidisciplinary Approach on Future Prospects of Sustainable Development (Vol 2) Education in India and SDGs: Role of Public Provision 9789391131531 2022
31 SUBRAMANIAN S,MANJUNATHA A V,MARUTHI I Reference book Making Indian Agriculture Climate Friendly Economic and Environmental Implications of Rice Cultivation in India 81-88685-03-8 2022
32 VARADURGA BHAT,MALINI L TANTRI,C NALIN KUMAR,SUDHEESH B ,FAHMEENA BAKTH Reference book Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Economic and Mental Health Pandemic, Trade, Policy Adjustment and Development Challenges-The Case of India 978-93-90627-94-3 2022
33 KEDAR VISHNU SHANKARRAO,LI WANG OTHERS Conference Proceedings Gearing Asian agricultural under the fourth Industrial Revaluation Opportunities and Challenges Does FDI intensify Economics Growth? Evidence from China and India 2021
34 JOSHY K J (496) Reference book Vasanthatthinte Murippadukal 978-81-953414-7-4 2021
35 RAVIKIRAN APPASO NAIK,JEEMOL UNNI,VANITA YADAV,SWATI DUTTA Reference book Women Entrepreneurship in the Indian Middle Class: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 9789354421457 2021
36 REETA TOMAR,DR SONIA MUKHERJEE,EMIN AKÇAOğLU & RAINER WEHNER Conference Proceedings SMEs and International Business Finance, Innovation, Enterprise Architecture and Business Education Internationalization of Indian MSMEs with reference to the Post-Covid Era 2021
37 VARADURGA BHAT,MALINI L TANTRI Text book ISEC Working Paper No. 520 2021
38 VIJAY VICTOR,ELIZABETH DOMINIC,TANUSREE DUTTA,MANAS K MANDAL Text book Consumer Happiness: Multiple Perspectives Paying a Price to Get a Value: Choose Wisely 978-981-33-6373-1 2021
39 VARADURGA BHAT,MALINI L TANTRI,NALIN KUMAR,INSTITUTE OF CHINESE STUDIES Reference book ICS Occasional Paper No. 72 Trade Irritants and Non-Tariff Measures between China and India 2021
40 RITTU SUSAN VARKEY,ELORA SIL ROY,PRASANT KUMAR PANDA,ASWINI KUMAR MISHRA , VAIRAM ARUNACHALAM ,DEBASIS PATNAIK Conference Proceedings Critical Perspectives on Emerging Economies Pattern of Carbon Dioxide Emission, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in South-Asian Countries: An Empirical Analysis 978-3-030-59781-8 2021
41 JOSHY K J,CHANDRASHEKAR KATIPELLI,SHIREEN BANGERA,DHRITI GARG Reference book Top Seven: An Economic History of Growth and Recessions with A Proffer for post COVID-19 Programmes Top Seven: An Economic History of Growth and Recessions with A Proffer for post COVID-19 Programmes 9788194364542 2021
42 SALINEETA CHAUDHURI,SANTOSH KUMAR,NELU BURCEA, LISA M, SHAZIA N Conference Proceedings Unequal World Conference Digital Innovation to Reduce Urban-Rural Disconnect: An Impact Analysis 978-1-945298-34-9 2021
43 SULAKSHANA RAO C,MOHAMMAD YONUS BHAT , HIRANMOY ROY, M. S. BHATT Reference book Energy Economics and the Environment Conservation, Preservation and Sustainability Ecosystem and Ecosystem services: Concepts, Methods and Synthesis of Valuation Techniques 9789353883102 2021
44 SONIA MUKHERJEE Conference Proceedings Contemporary Issues on Globalization and Sustainable Development Women Empowerment and its Challenges: 381 Evidence from India 978-81-947932-1-2 2020
45 KEDAR VISHNU SHANKARRAO Text book Transforming Agriculture in South Asia The Role of Value Chains and Contract Farming Does FDI intensify economic growth: Evidence from China and India in 9780367457273 2020
46 FARAZ AHMAD,ROHITH. N Reference book Social, Economic, Educational and Environmental Impact of COVID-19: Issues and Challenges. Migration of Nursing Workforce during COVID-19: A Study of Kerela 978-81-948552-0-0 2020
47 VARADURGA BHAT,MALINI L. TANTRI,KALA S SRIDHAR,LI JINGFENG Reference book The Rise of India and China Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts Trade in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Comparison of India and China 9780367562243 2020
48 KEDAR VISHNU SHANKARRAO,KALA S SRIDHAR, LI JINGFENG Text book The Rise of India and China Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts Does FDI intensify economic growth: Evidence from China and India 9780367562243 2020
49 JOSHY K J Reference book Threads Threads 979-8687890786 2020
50 VARADURGA BHAT,S. MANASI, ISEC Reference book Policy Brief COVID-19, Trade and India - Policy Issues in Leveraging the Opportunities 2020
51 JOSHY K J Reference book Theruvunadakathile Nizhalukal Theruvunadakathile Nizhalukal 9789389824186 2020
52 VARADURGA BHAT,SRIPRIYA PATTABHIRAMAN,PARASURAMAN N. R. & VENKATARAJA, B Conference Proceedings 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends The Efficacy of Nudge Theory to Wean Indians Out of LPG Subsidy 978-93-83302-40-6 2019
53 MARIE JOSEPH GERARD RASSENDREN,DR. V BASIL HANS,DR. ELIZABETH JOEY HENRIQUES,DR. ROHITA DESHPRABHU KAMAT,DR. MONICA MADHUCHANDRIKA PATIL Conference Proceedings Indian Economy - Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges Correlation of CSR and Consumer Purchase Intent: A Study of IT Professionals 9789380837395 2019
54 VARADURGA BHAT Conference Proceedings 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainability Development: Emerging Trends Analysis of Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in E7 Countries 978-93-83302-34-5 2018
55 NAMRATA SINGHA ROY,N.NAGARAJ,P. S. SRIKANTHA MURTHY, M.G. CHANDRAKANTH,MADHUSUDAN BHATTARAI,BHATTARAI, M.,P.K. VISWANATHAN,RUDRA N. MISHRA,CYNTHIA BANTILAN Reference book Employment Guarantee Programme and Dynamics of Rural Transformation in lndia: Challenges and Opportunities Economic lmapacts of MGNREGA in Dryland Region of lndia: A Meso and Micro Study in Selected States 978-981-10-6261-2 2018
56 SANTHOSH C,M.H.BALA SUBRAHMANYA,MATHEW J. MANIMALA,KISHINCHAND POORNIMA WASDANI ,ABHISHEK VIJAYGOPAL Reference book Entrepreneurship and Development in south Asia: Longitudinal Narrative; Transnational Entrepreneurship Internationalization of SMEs in Emerging Economies: Critical Role of Firm-Level Resources 978-981-10-6297-1 2018
57 ADAINA K C Reference book The Place of Women in Naga Society Engendering Development Issues in Naga Soceity 978-93-81758-43-4 2018
58 GREESHMA MANOJ,S MURALEEDHARAN,B.PRADEEP KUMAR & MOTHI GEORGE Conference Proceedings Shifts in Indian Economy:Some Observations Multi Fibre Agreement and its Impact on Indian Textile Exports 978-93-87102-38-5 2017
59 DIVYA PRADEEP,JERRIS SUNNY,PRADEEP KUMAR,MOTHI GEORGE Conference Proceedings Shifts in Indian economy: Some observations Labour exploitation in the Indian textile industry: A Marxian analysis 978938102385 2017
60 DIVYA PRADEEP,KEMAL CEBECI,ADAM PAWLICZ,MOHAMED ZNIBER Conference Proceedings MIRDEC 5th Vienna 2017 Conference proceedings, Full paper series Livelihood of Tibetan winter itinerant sweater traders in Madhya Pradesh 978-605-82290-3-7 2017
61 JOSHY K. J Reference book Grandpa and the Clouds Grandpa and the Clouds 978-9386722072 2017
62 DEEPA V K (3692) Text book Policy Perspective On Innovation And Sustainable Development Volume Iv In India S&T Series Regional Innovation System and Traditional Medicinal Knowledge: Study of Tribal Practices in Wayanad District 978-1-64204-740-0 2017
63 ANEESH K A (3264) Reference book Deficits in the Accounts of Public Sector and the Black Economy in India 978-1-365-47399-9 2016
64 ADAINA K C Reference book Dynamics of social infrastructure in India - Emerging issues, prospects and challenges Does provision of social infrastructure affect tax evasive behavior among women? 9789385777271 2016
65 JOSHY K J Reference book Wings of Western Ghats Poetry 978-93-5207-106-7 2015
66 VARADURGA BHAT Reference book Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS 978-81-322-2064-0 2015
67 KEDAR VISHNU SHANKARRAO, R.S DESHPANDE AT ALL Text book Growth of Horticultural Sector: An Indicator of Urbanisation and Overall Development Development trends in urban and peri-urban agriculture 9383491221 2015
68 DEEPA V K,SARADINDHU BHADURI,MANMOHAN AGARWAL AND JOHN WHALLEY Text book Sustainability of Growth: The Role of Economic, Technological and Environmental Factors Forest Policy and Tribal Traditional Medicinal Practices: A Perspective from India 978-9814578684 2015
69 JOSHY K J Reference book Grey Haired Years Grey Haired Years 978-93-5207-046-6 2015
70 RAJESHWARI U R Reference book Social Sector Expenditure in Karnataka with Special Reference to Education and Health 2015
71 FARAZ AHMAD,SAMAN AHMED,DR NIDHI CHATURVEDI Reference book Equipollent Issues and Women in Post Independent India Home Based Workers in the Unorganised Sector in India 978-93-82171-22-5 2013
72 XAVIER V K Market Behaviour and Cost Analysis 978-93-5067-042-02 2012
73 RENJITH P S,SATHIYAVAN D,RENJITH P S, JAYASHEELA,VILAS M KADROLKAR Reference book Healthcare: A Spector of Perspectives An Econometric Analysis of the Impacts of Health and Nutrition Programs on Malnutrition in India 978-81-8387-556-1 2012
74 NAMRATA SINGHA ROY,BUDDHADEB GHOSH,MAJUMDER, A,PAL, M.,GHOSH, B.,BASU, A.,BHARATI, P.,PAL CHOWDHURY, P,NEOGY, S.N.,BAPAT, R.B Reference book Statistics and Development Issues Science, Technology and Environment: Crisis in Civilization 81-8324-418-1 2012
75 RAJESHWARI U R Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges and Implications Education Indicators and Regional Disparities in Karnataka 978-93-80371-15-3 2011
76 MAHESH E Reference book Service Sector in India ? A Sectoral Analysis Dynamics of Capital Formation in Indian Agricultural Sector: An Empirical Analysis 978-8189630539 2011
77 MAHESH E Reference book Rethinking India's Growth Strategy: Services Vs. Manufacturing Financing Secondary Education in Karnataka: Opportunities and Challenges 978-81-8069-551-3 2008
78 RAJESHWARI U R Healthcare: A Specter of Perspectives Health Expenditure in Karnataka 978-81-8387-556-1 2012
79 XAVIER V K Indian capital Markets - the Way Ahead Financial Intermediation in Promoting market ethics 2009
80 MATHEW P M Vision 2020 Profiling Karnataka Economy-A study in the context of vision 2020 978-93-80697-2010-13-0
81 MATHEW P M Vision 2020 India and the environment 2020 978-93-80697-2010-13-0 2010
82 MAHESH E Reference book Tracking the Flow of Resources in Education Sector: An Application of System of Education Accounts 978-93-82305-60-6 2014
83 DIVYA PRADEEP Reference book Rural Development and Inclusive Growth: Linkage and Implications , Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy "The Role of Third Sector in Empowering Rural Population: Evidence from Disaggregate Level". ISBN 978-93-5128-100-9
84 DIVYA PRADEEP Reference book Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace Referral Hiring in Information Technology Industry in Bangalore ISBN: 978-93-83302-01-7
85 MAHESH E Reference book Women's Empowerment: A Strategy for Development Gender Budgeting in Karnataka: Trends and Perspectives 93-80574-75-4 2015
86 NAVIN KUMAR JHA Reference book Problem of Child Labour 81-86099-89-1 2010
87 NAVIN KUMAR JHA Reference book INVESTMENT CONUDRUM Socio-Economic parameters(FDI)Impact of Global Investor Meet in Tamil Nadu 978-81-8286-029-2 2016
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Union Budget 2024-25: Advancing Education, Skills, and Employment for a Brighter Future

2 Recovery of Indian MSMEs post COVID-19 -Role of E-commerce

Indian Economy
3 Ever growing Bengaluru Periphery and Ineffective Planning

4 The Social Science Informer

Announcements of Economic Seminars and Jobs


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